Source: MSL Group

Just when you thought wheel clamping wasn’t enough, a company in New York has developed the Barnacle.

For years now, wheel clamping has been the method of choice for parking enforcers. Although, with the weight of the clamps and the risk of kneeling next to the vehicle by the roadside, it was only a matter of time before someone invented a safer alternative.

Enter stage right, the Barnacle from New York-based ‘Ideas that stick’. The Barnacle is a windscreen blocking device that sticks to the glass with the aid of two pump-activated commercial grade suction cups that can withstand hundreds of pounds of force. Parking enforcers are able to install them safely and with relative ease.

Once the Barnacle is attached and ruining the day of a driver, they will need to call the number on the device to pay a fine. Once paid, they will be given a numerical key to enter on the device to release the suction. The driver will then have 24 hours to return the Barnacle to a drop off point before they are fined again.

That’s right, not only does this device ruin your day, you are then forced to drop it off!

While it is safe to say that the current method of clamping is unsafe, there must be an argument for the necessity of clamps in the first place. While some clamping is above board, usually when a vehicle isn’t taxed, there are too many instances when a private company clamps a vehicle before enforcing ridiculous fees to release it.

Ideas that stick may have named the Barnacle after a sea crustacean that permanently attaches itself to a surface, but maybe it should have called it Fagan, as you have to pick a pocket or two before it’s removed!