Source: adiNEWS

A driver has escaped a speeding charge by using his car’s telematics data.

Sunderland-based entrepreneur Neil Herron was alleged to have driven his vehicle at 40 mph in a 30mph limit on 13 January 2014. At the time, he was trialling a driver safety telematic device and the data produced by the device indicated that the vehicle speed was way below the 30mph speed limit.

Nineteen months after challenging the police evidence, Sunderland Magistrates’ Court found in his favour after the Crown Prosecution Service offered no evidence.

Law firm Gordon Dadds, which represented Herron, said the outcome could open the floodgates for thousands of motorists.

Partner Philip Somarakis commented: “Based on previous experience in other cases, laser speed detection devices can produce erroneous results and in this case Herron was convinced he was not speeding as alleged and stated he had telematics data to support that view. When confronted with failings in court the prosecution determined to offer no evidence.”

Herron added: “I would not have had any grounds on which to challenge the allegation if I had not had the data from the device. Many drivers have faced similar allegations and believed that they were not speeding but no way of proving it. Now we have the affordable technology which motorists can use to create driving peace of mind.”